2 Comments on “Winter Blues, Spinning and Fiddies”

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Justin wrote on 18 December, 2008, 7:51 AM

    Quite honestly I have lost touch with my fifty craz. Over the summer I rode it a few times and that was about it. I believe once things get going again (if I can fit in my leathers) the interest will spark again at a lower level of intensity. This will lead Ed trying to talk me in to racing big bikes, which would be enjoyable, just not feasible at this time. I look forward to seeing Joe Kraft on the fifty this year as he has some expectations to live up to after his success this summer. Most of all I wait to pass George Black at K2K to see the look on his face.

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 18 December, 2008, 7:56 AM

    Big bikes would definitely be better than four wheels. You know that.

    JK is coming to ride from what I’ve heard! And George – he’s going to be insane this year. He keeps telling me how many one-handed pull-ups he can do. He’s going to be off the deep end insane this time around.

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  • You're currently reading "Winter Blues, Spinning and Fiddies," an entry on Witchkraft Racing.
  • Published: 12.12.08 / 10am
  • Category: General