2 Comments on “Redemption”

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eric C. wrote on 26 May, 2010, 10:25 AM

    Hey Ed,
    Just stating the obvious here…As there is nothing wrong with striving for more, having that desire to do better, wanting to win. Just remember how lucky you are with what you have in your life. An incredible support system, a great family…and you get to play with really fast toys on the weekends. So keep focused on moving forward and keep striving for more but never lose sight of your past and how you got to this point in time. We are very blessed with what we have in our lives. You see I’m feeling a little sappy. I just attended a memorial service for all the fallen soldiers for Memorial Day. So no worries, its early in the season. A strong weekend at a track you like will be the cure.

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 26 May, 2010, 1:28 PM

    You’re absolutey right Eric. It’s all relative in the grand scheme of things. My goals and expectations for what I go out to do are just high in this regard. Thanks for the feedback. We’ll be at Mid-O this year if you’re interested. :)

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  • You're currently reading "Redemption," an entry on Witchkraft Racing.
  • Published: 05.24.10 / 7am
  • Category: Mindless Banter