3 Comments on “Ode to the Pistons”

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Dr. Funk Or Nico wrote on 3 June, 2006, 1:23 PM

    Thanks for the synopsis of the Pistons, Ccccoaach!
    Mr. Negativity strikes again, all post-season long you have jinxed the ‘stones’ and I can only blame you (not Flip) for their failure to not make it to the Finals. I hope your cell phone battery goes dead, so that you can’t text me : (

    Good luck racing this season……and spend a little time on court…….you need to work on your assist-to-turnover ratio.

    Later Usher, peace and humptyiness 4-ever. NBN-4-life.

    PS – I hope that I excite everyone when I am around………have another, brother.

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 5 June, 2006, 11:37 AM

    Haha .. I’m sorry Niko, it’s over.

    What will Joe do in the offseason now .. I think Delfino gets traded for sure. I hope Ben doesn’t demand a max contract, or we might lose him too.

    I think the starting lineup needs a shakeup, but I really wouldn’t want to lose any of the 5 that are there now.

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    (\/)ike wrote on 7 June, 2006, 10:55 AM

    ya know what? I can not stand ESPN… such haters… never have anything good to say, often too wrong about everybody and everything… never admits it either… sick of that crew drinking all that damn Miami, L.A. kewl-aide. my goodness, mannnn… can’t wait til the season is truely over. ESPN should give up pro sports and stick to poker, action sports, spelling bees and cheerleading… out!

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  • You're currently reading "Ode to the Pistons," an entry on Witchkraft Racing.
  • Published: 05.31.06 / 5pm
  • Category: General