8 Comments on “Evening Couple Conversation”

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eric wrote on 9 October, 2008, 2:43 PM

    Well isnt that why you married her??? Its kinda like asking do these jeans make me look fat… Ya got to be ready for the answer before you ask it. Personally I dont know how you get up to ride at speed again after taking a fall.

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 9 October, 2008, 5:39 PM

    For sure .. she’s right on all accounts without question.

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Doug wrote on 14 October, 2008, 5:18 AM

    Well…. now that you have a clearer picture of the expectations – are you going to have your leathers altered to allow for a larger package? : )

    Gotta hand it to G for being your best sounding board. Props to her. Glad she is on our side.

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 14 October, 2008, 6:31 AM

    No doubt. And when she says it with something like this, I know she’s right .. :)

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Justin wrote on 15 October, 2008, 9:20 AM

    When the wife tells you to grow a pair that is usually a sign……

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 15 October, 2008, 9:34 AM

    Damn I know .. maybe she should start posting here .. then again, maybe not .. :)

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Matt wrote on 8 February, 2010, 7:45 PM

    Well well! I have not checked the posts in quite some time and reading this has me wishing I would’ve arrived much earlier. :-) I must agree that the honesty from G is a quality a man must have with a woman he intends to spend the rest of his life with; either this or for her to never speak unless spoken to and we all know that’s a dream that will never come to reality. :-) jk

    But seriously, I don’t think Gina was telling you anything you haven’t heard before? Shit, I can think of at least a handful of occasions where the crew chief tells you to shut the hell up, stop asking for suspension changes and just go twist the damn grip!

    I know that your younger brother, who because he doesn’t have a pair as large as yours (which doesn’t mean that they aren’t still a prize set :-) chooses not to race at those speeds, tells you that a pair of larger size is what will be required if you want to be a contender. So perhaps more then actually hearing it, is whom you’re hearing it from?

    But Gina is absolutely right about technique. You are an example of great style. That is something you have prided yourself in no matter what the sport. The fundamentals are there and in place, now you just need to push them to the next limit in line. Go big or go home! Only problem, is you want to make sure you can do just that….go home.

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 9 February, 2010, 8:29 AM

    lol .. a “prize set” .. too funny.

    Thanks though .. more balls to the wall it is!

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  • You're currently reading "Evening Couple Conversation," an entry on Witchkraft Racing.
  • Published: 10.7.08 / 6am
  • Category: General, Mindless Banter